Welcome to St Paul's
Welcome to St Paul's

Our church is in Grove Park, Chiswick, just a stone's throw from the Thames. It has been used for Christian worship since 1872 and we would be delighted if you joined us. Christians of all denominations are welcome here, as are those searching for God and indeed the simply curious. We have one Eucharist Service a week, on Sundays at 10am and coffee is served afterwards at the back of the church. On Mondays the Meditation Group meet in church at 6:45pm for about half an hour and a quiet celebration of communion often follows this. On Fridays in church, we have a Stay and Play group for parents, babies and toddlers from 9:30-11:30am, a Coffee Club from 10:45am to 12 noon and a short Welcome Service taken by our Lay Minister Simon Surtees from 12-12:30pm.

You can contact our vicar
 Rev'd Caroline Halmshaw on 07742 738660.

We recently held a service to celebrate the feast of Candlemas. It’s a time of hope – looking to the returning light as winter fades and spring approaches. In pre-electric days the congregations would bring their beeswax candles to church to be blessed, and take them home as a way of remembering that Christ’s light goes with us in our everyday lives. And when times were hard, they would light the candles, to remember that even in the toughest times, Jesus brings hope and light.


I hope as you see spring approaching you can enjoy and hold on to those signs of hope. In a world that feels threatened by darkness, there is so much that is good. My prayer is that each of us and the church more widely might reflect that light and bring comfort and joy to others. 





Friday 14 February

Stay and Play 9:30-11:30am
Coffee Club 10:45am to 12 noon
Welcome Service 12-12:30pm


Sunday 16 February 10am

Communion Service


Friday 21 February

Stay and Play 9:30-11:30am
Coffee Club 10:45am to 12 noon
Welcome Service 12-12:30pm

Saturday 22 February 10am -9pm

St Paul's is very pleased to be hosting the inaugural Chiswick Brass Festival, bringing together top ensembles and musicians for an unforgettable celebration of this powerful and versatile genre. Experience the brilliance of brass music, from smooth quintets to a full symphonic ensemble. The debut Chiswick Brass Festival lineup includes award-winning ensembles and soloists, including Cor8, the Wigfield Brass Quintet, Funnybones Trombone Quartet and the West London Tuba Quartet. The festival culminates in a grand finale by a Symphonic Brass Ensemble, showcasing iconic masterpieces such as Fanfare for the Common ManSpitfire Prelude and Fugue, and Howarth's stunning arrangement of Pictures at an Exhibition. Tickets are £25 for the day, or £10 for one of the individual concerst and are available on the door or from Eventbrite. You can find out more at www.chiswickbrassfestival.co.uk


Sunday 23 February 10am

Communion Service


Sunday 23 February 6:30pm
Taizé Service

Taizé Prayer is a simple, meditative form of worship in a candlelit environment. Simple songs are repeated over and over again to create a feeling of meditation, with short readings and prayerful silence. 


Friday 28 February

Stay and Play 9:30-11:30am
Coffee Club 10:45am to 12 noon
Welcome Service 12-12:30pm



Saturday 1 March Hymnathon at St Michael and All Angels
St Paul's Choir will be partaking in this 24 hour sponsored sing, timings to follow. 


Sunday 2 March 10am

Communion Service

Sunday 2 March 4:30- 6pm

Youth Group. Everyone aged 11-18 is welcome to join us for fun and games in the vicarage!


Friday 7 March

Stay and Play 9:30-11:30am
Coffee Club 10:45am to 12 noon
Welcome Service 12-12:30pm

Saturday 8 March 3-5pm
Bingo Tea

Come and join us at the St Paul’s Bingo Tea! There will be delicious tea and cake, chances to win prizes, lots of friendly faces and plenty of fun! If you’d like to come along, please email Annabel administrator@stpaulsgrovepark.com


Sunday 9 March 10am

Communion Service


Friday 14 March

Stay and Play 9:30-11:30am
Coffee Club 10:45am to 12 noon
Welcome Service 12-12:30pm


Sunday 16 March 10am

Communion Service

Sunday 16 March 4:30- 6pm

Youth Group. Everyone aged 11-18 is welcome to join us for fun and games in the vicarage!


Friday 21 March

Stay and Play 9:30-11:30am
Coffee Club 10:45am to 12 noon
Welcome Service 12-12:30pm


Sunday 23 March 10am

Communion Service


Sunday 23 March 11am
Bring and Buy Sale

All contributions are extremely welcome  for our regular fundraising sale which takes place duirng the coffee straight after church. Cakes, biscuits, pate, chutneys, marmalade and jams are always very popular. Contact Jane Theakston if you won't be in church but would like to contribute items and then please do come along and buy things on the day!


Friday 28 March

Stay and Play 9:30-11:30am
Coffee Club 10:45am to 12 noon
Welcome Service 12-12:30pm


Sunday 30 March 10am Mothering Sunday

A family service of celebration for those who love and look after us, with daffodil posies for all mothers and carers!


St Paul's is a registered charity: 1154708. We are part of the Church of England's Parish Giving Scheme, which is an easier way for us to collect financial donations, whether they are from regular giving or one-off contibutions. You can find out more about the finances of St Pauls by reading the 2023 Accounts and Report, which are available to download below.


Give to St Paul's by going to the GIVING page of this website or by pressing the DONATE TO ST PAUL'S button. Thank you!

St Paul's Church Annual Report 2023
St Paul's Annual Report 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [272.3 KB]
St Paul's Church Accounts 2023
St Paul's Accounts 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.0 MB]
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© St Paul's Church, Grove Park, Chiswick, London W4 3SB 2025