Welcome to St Paul's
Welcome to St Paul's

Every Sunday there is a Eucharist Service at 10am. On Fridays during term time, we have a Stay and Play group in the church hall for parents, babies and toddlers from 9:30-11:30am. Coffee Club is in church every Friday from 10:45-12 noon and is followed by a short Welcome Service from 12-12:30pm. 



Friday 26 January: Quiz Night
7pm for a 7:30pm start

The ever popular St Paul's Quiz Night is back! Questions this year are set by last year;'s winners, the Day family. Teams make up tables of eight; if you'd like to come but do not have a team please get in touch with Rev'd Caroline (07742 738660) and she will find you a table to join! Tables should bring their own supper and the church will provide cutlery, plates and glasses. Please bring all the food and nibbles you will require to fuel your mighty brains! However, we WILL be providing a cash bar for beer, wine and soft drinks and politely request that attendees support this as part of our fundraising efforts for 2023, and don't BYOB! Tickets are £10.00 per person, to be collected on the night. To reserve a table or a seat at a table, contact Rev'd Caroline



Tuesday 13 February Shrove Tuesday


Wednesday 14 February Ash Wednesday


Wednesday 21 February: 10:30am Lent Course begins
Lent is the season in the church when we reflect on where we are in our journey of faith and seek God’s leading for the year ahead. Justin Welby talks about a good Lent being the foundation of a just society. Our Lent course will start on Wednesday 21st February and finish on Wednesday 27th March. There will be six sessions in total, but please feel free to join some or all of them. The meetings will be held in the Isis room adjoining the church between 10.30am-12noon. If there are enough people who would also like an evening meeting, Rev Caroline would be happy to run one either in person or virtually. Please get in touch if you would like to know more or just come along. Rev Caroline Halmshaw: 
vicar@stpaulsgrovepark.com or 07742 738660


Wednesday 21 February: PCC Meeting

PCC meeting at 7:15pm in the Isis Rooms


Saturday 24 February: Bingo Afternoon

An afternoon of bingo, tea, cakes and wine! For more information contact Robert John Van Exter.


Sunday 25 February 10am

Parish Eucharist


Wednesday 28 February 10:30-12 noon Lent Course
here will be six sessions in total in our Lent Course but please feel free to join some or all of them. The meetings will be held in the Isis room adjoining the church between 10.30am-12noon.


MARCH 2024

Sunday 3 March 6pm Youth Group Meeting

A chance to find out more about the new St Paul's Youth Group. If you are aged 11-18 then do come along to this meeting in the Vicarage, and share your views. Any adults who woudl like to be involved in helping with the Youth Group are most welcome too. For more information, contact Caroline or Bea Vickers


Wednesday 6 March 10:30-12 noon Lent Course
There will be six sessions in total in our Lent Course but please feel free to join some or all of them. The meetings will be held in the Isis room adjoining the church between 10.30am-12noon.


Sunday 10 March: Mothering Sunday Service

10 am Family Eucharist with flowers for all mothers and carers


Saturday 9 March: Planning for the Future
A day away, for the PCC and all other interested church members, to come together and plan for the future. This will be held at St Nichols's Church Hall, on Chiswick Mall. For more information please contact 
Rev'd Caroline


Sunday 10 March 11am Bring and Buy Sale

Homemade cakes, chutneys, preserves and other goodies! Please bring contributions and come along and purchase!


Wednesday 13 March 10:30-12 noon Lent Course 
There will be six sessions in total in our Lent Course but please feel free to join some or all of them. The meetings will be held in the Isis room adjoining the church between 10.30am-12noon.


10 am Eucharist

6pm Taizé Service with silence and meditation

Wednesday 20 March 10:30-12 noon Lent Course 
There will be six sessions in total in our Lent Course but please feel free to join some or all of them. The meetings will be held in the Isis room adjoining the church between 10.30am-12noon.


Sat 23 March Concert by West London Chorus

A spring concert by the West London Chorus, performing the magnificent Schubert Mass in A flat. The concert also includes some lovely Schubert Lieder sung by the the choir's choral scholars.


Sun 24 March PALM SUNDAY
10 am Family Service with a procession around the church grounds 



Monday 25th March 7pm
Celtic Evening Service


Tuesday 26th March 7pm

Celtic Evening Service

Wednesday 27th March  

10:30-12 noon Lent Course
The final meeting of our Lent Course in the Isis room


Wednesday 27 March 7pm
Celtic Evening Service


Maundy Thursday 28 March 8pm 

The Last Supper with foot washing, followed by a vigil


Good Friday 29 March

Walk of Witness, with Churches Together in Grove Park, starting at St Nicholas, continuing to St Paul’s and finishing at St Michael's

Hot Cross buns and children’s workshop in the Isis Room

Service with children

Reflections on the Cross

Veneration of the Cross


Easter Day Sunday 31 March

6am: Sunrise service with Easter fire, followed by breakfast at the vicarage

10am: Family service with an Easter egg hunt 


APRIL 2024

Wednesday 17 April: PCC Meeting

PCC meeting at 7:15pm in the Isis Rooms


Sunday 21 April Youth Group

4:30pm - 6pm, all welcome!


Sunday 21 April Taizé Service 6:30pm
Taize Prayer is a simple, meditative form of worship, usually in a candle-lit environment. Simple songs are repeated over and over again to create a feeling of meditation, with short readings and prayerful silence. The Taizé Community 

is an ecumenical Christian monastery in France, founded in 1940. Its principles are Kindness, Simplicity and Reconciliation. Taizé has become one of the world's most important sites of Christian pilgrimage, with a focus on youth. Over 100,000 young people from around the world make pilgrimages to Taizé each year.


Monday 29 April 7pm PCC Annual Parish Meeting

All are welcome for the election of the new PCC and to hear about our plans for the coming year. This meeting will take place in church, and there will be drinks at 7pm with the meeting starting at 7:30pm and ending at 9:30pm. 


MAY 2024

Friday 3 May 6-7:30pm

Our Favourite Things: Poetry and Music from St Paul's Congregation
The evening will include  readings by some of the Poetry Group of their favourite poems, interspersed with music from Festive Folk. There will be a bar, and tasty nibbles! Please come along and enjoy an evening of entertainment and a chance to socalise.
Free with a suggested donation of £10



12:30 Registration
13:00 Workshop starts
There will be a break for tea, coffee & cake
17:00 Sing through of Messiah Choruses
17:30 End
Music will be provided but please feel free to bring your own copy of the Messiah if you prefer. This opportunity
 to sing extracts from Handel's most famous work, is under the direction of Hilary Campbell. Organised by the West London Chorus, and taking place in St Paul's church, it is sure to be interesting, inspiring and a lot of fun! All singers of all abilities are welcome! Tickets are availlable from TicketSource



10am Parish Eucharist


Sunday 26 May 4:30-6pm 
Youth Group in the Vicarage


Sunday 26 May 6.30-7.30pm 
Taizé Service in church 


JUNE 2024

Friday 21 June 6pm
Choral Concert 

Memorial concert by choral scholars from Cambridge University, in memory of Janina and Ludwik Maryniak. The music is by Gerald Finzi, Nikolai Kedrov, William Byrd and Marek Maryniak. The concert is free, and there will be a retiring collection in aid of the British Heart Foundation. 


Saturday 22 June 12 noon
Memorial service for Father Michael


Saturday 22 June 7:30pm

Kew Sinfonia Summer Concert


Sunday 23 June 4:30-6pm 
Youth Group in the Vicarage


Sunday 23 June 6.30-7.30pm 
Taizé Service in church 


Friday 28 June 7-9pm
Wine Tasting

The Good Wine Shop will be hosting a bespoke wine tasting tutorial at St Paul's where you can find out more about a range of different wines, taste some of the different grape varieties, and enjoy socialising. There will also be some delicious nibbles to accompany the various wines, just to complete what is sure to be a most convivial evening! More details of how you can purchase tickets for this event will follow shortly!


JULY 2024

Wednesday 10 July: PCC Meeting

PCC meeting at 7:15pm in the Isis Rooms


Sunday 28 July 4:30-6pm 
Youth Group in the Vicarage


Sunday 28 July 6.30-7.30pm 
Taizé Service in church 



No Friday coffee club, Stay and Play or Friday Welcome service in August



Sunday 1 September

St Paul's are having a fundraising stall at the very popular Chiswick School Car Boot Sale! Please come along and support it, and talk to Adam Richardson if you would like to help out wiht manning the stall or have contibutions that we can sell on it!


Sunday tbc September 10am

Harvest Festival


Wednesday 11 September: PCC Meeting

PCC meeting at 7:15pm in the Isis Rooms





Sunday 3 November 6pm: All Souls Service

We will read the names of people we would like to remember during the service. If there are people you would like us to include in our time of remembrance please  email Rev'd Caroline vicar@stpaulsgrovepark.com. Or write their names on the sheet of paper at the entrance of the church. 


Remembrance Sunday 10 November 10am

Eucharist Service 10am with the act of Rembrance at 11am.


Wednesday 13 November: PCC Meeting

PCC meeting at 7:15pm in the Isis Rooms


Saturday 16 November 7:30pm
Hounslow Symphony Orchestra 70th Anniversary Concert
Tickets from the HSO website here 


Saturday 23 November 7:30pm
An Evening with Mike Reed and Friends
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to spend an evening in the company of West End musical impressario Michael Reed and some of his talented friends. Doors and the bar will open at 7pm, and during the first half of evening Mike will talk about his career in musical theatre, playing excerpts on the piano from the many shows he's directed, as well as other pieces that have been important in his life. In the second half, Mike will be joined on stage by other musicians for what is certain to be a breathtaking and virtuoso performance of some of his favourite works. Tickets are likely to sell extremely fast for this fabulous evening, and will be available from Eventbrite. 



Advent Sunday 1 December 6pm
Candlelit Advent Carol Service

A family service by candlight with music from the choir, congregational Advent carols and refreshments afterwards.


tbc December 7pm The Longest Night Service
A quiet reflective service for a time of calm 


Christmas Eve Tuesday 24 December 4pm

Family Carols, with time for children at the crib


Christmas Eve Tuesday 24 December 11.30pm
Midnight Mass


Christmas Day Wednesday 25 December 10 am

Family Service10am


St Stephens Day Thursday 26 December 10 am

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© St Paul's Church, Grove Park, Chiswick, London W4 3SB 2024