Welcome to St Paul's
Welcome to St Paul's


Our address is St Paul's Church, 64 Grove Park Road, Chiswick W4 3SB. The Parish of St Paul’s is located on the southern boundary of Chiswick, West London within the London Borough of Hounslow. 


Rev'd Caroline Halmshaw

Email: vicar@stpaulsgrovepark.com

07742 738660


Church Administrator

Annabel Hughes-Parkinson

Email: administrator@stpaulsgrovepark.com


Charlotte Welburn 07765 283286


Licensed Lay Minister
and Deanery Synod Representative

Simon Surtees 020 8994 7391 


Tom Torley 

07749 343448




Charlotte Welburn

Julian Tanner 

Sara Hodson 
Simon Surtees  

Cecilia Thwaites 
Shelagh Allsop 
Carolyn Ashford-Russell 

Claire Carter
Timothy Makower

Anusha Rajiyah 

Robert John van Exter 

Jane Theakston

Marian Armitage
Bea Vickers



Pastoral and Mission Group
This group aims to offer help to anyone in the community who needs it. Some of the work we do involves visiting people at home, sorting out lifts to and from church services, welcoming visitors to the church during wedding or funerals, and supporting those in need. If you - or someone you know - needs our help, then please contact any one of us.


Sue Hearn 020 8995 2666 

Simon Surtees 020 8994 7391 
Jo Harry 020 8995 0151 
Sheila White 020 8994 1416 

Charlotte Mendes da Costa

020 8747 4633 and 07753 573616


Refugee Support Group

Rachel Tanner 020 8742 8016

Stephanie White

Shelagh Allsop

07710 385839 or 020 8995 9390



Julian Tanner 07733 717995

Data Protection and Electoral Roll Officer
Cecilia Thwaites  07817 892203

Stewardship Secretary
 Patricia Mann  


Youth Group
and Children's Champion

Bea Vickers 07766 491716 

Safeguarding Officer

Volunteers with queries, issues or concerns should discuss these with the Safeguarding Officer
Shelagh Allsop

07710 385839 or 020 8995 9390


Simon Surtees 020 8994 7391
Catherine Jessop 020 8995 6324

Meditation Group
 Sheila White 020 8994 1416


Poetry Group

Sue Hearn 020 8995 2666 


Stay and Play
Shelagh Allsop
07710 385839 or 020 8995 9390

Church Hall Bookings

Annabel Hughes-Parkinson

Email: administrator@stpaulsgrovepark.com

Coffee Rota
Cathy Morgan


Sidespeople Rota

Carolyn Ashford-Russell 020 8994 2594


Church Website
Catherine Jessop


If you would like to donate to St Paul's please go to the GIVING page on this website.


If you would like to receive a weekly newsletter from St Paul's via email, please contact our administrator administrator@stpaulsgrovepark.com


If you would like to find out more about St Paul's, our Parish Profile is available to download below.

St Paul's Church Parish Profile.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [7.1 MB]

Our parish of St Paul's in Grove Park, Chiswick is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO). The Diocese of London’s safeguarding pages contain links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor who advises our PSO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the St Paul's PSO who is Shelagh Allsop. Her details are below. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority’s children or adult social care services.

 In general terms, if you are worried about something, it can help a great deal to talk about it, either here at church or there are some phone lines listed below that you can call free of charge.


Safeguarding Officer: Shelagh Allsop 07710 385839 

Children's Champion: Bea Vickers 07766 491766 



Childline: 0800 111

Samaritans: 116 123

Family Lives: (was Parentline Plus) 0808 800 222

Churches Child Protection Advisory Service Helpline: 0845 120 4550

Diocesan Safeguarding Helpline: 020 7932 1224

Diocesan Safeguarding Website: https://safeguarding.london.anglican.org/

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© St Paul's Church, Grove Park, Chiswick, London W4 3SB 2025